Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's the final countdown...

I know, I know...lame title.  Until I get some pictures of Halloween (I forgot to take my camera to work so Sarah Jane is giving me some of her's), I needed something to talk about on here.  I've decided that in my quest to grow my hair long enough to donate it, I would put a countdown on here to help me stick to my guns.  Here's the starting picture:


I now have about 6 inches left to grow before I can cut and, more importantly, dye it.  I need the support, so keep me in line here, guys.

I guess I do have a few pictures of Halloween costumes.  These are all our nieces and nephews (and a really cute Gavin, son of Ember)

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This is Michelle's baby, Lexie.        And Scott's Gavin.


Stephanie's Devin and Dawn.


Shandell's Hunter, Traisha, and Alynna (who is one of her day care kids)


Samberly's Samuel, Jacob, Joseph, and Cece.


And finally Ember's Gavin (you can also see Sarah Jane as Daphne in the background)

The official Halloween entry is coming soon!


David and Alisha said...

Michelle has a baby?! I didn't know that! When did this happen?

Emily Nielson said...

Here are some {{patience vibes}} so you can grow your hair out. How cool are you? LYLAS!